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[Network DevelopUNIX Network Programming with Code

Description: 《UNIX网络编程》第一、二卷,附书中代码,这本书不用多说了吧,被称为网络编程领域最权威的两个系列之一(另一个系列是《TCP/IP详解》) 这本书的第一版问世于1990年,是Stevens的开山之作,一举奠定了Stevens在网络编程领域的重要地位。如果说TCP/IP Illustrated解答了“什么是TCP/IP”和“TCP/IP是怎么实现的”两个问题,那么这本书则是在回答“怎样运用TCP/IP开发网络应用程序”的问题。显而易见,这本书的内容更加贴近普通程序员,因此,大多数人是先学习UNP,然后再深入学习TCP/IP Illustrated。   这也是一本让人伤感的书,Richard Stevens从1997年开始撰写此书第二版,制定了一个宏大的计划,卷1阐述Socket API和TLI API,卷2阐述除Socket之外的其他IPC机制,卷3阐述网络编程应用。应该说,卷1和卷2都是为了给卷3打基础。然而天妒英才,就在世人翘首企盼第三卷的时候,1999年9月1日,Richard Stevens英年早逝。留下这套未完成的巨著,让人感慨不已。不过最近从Prentice Hall传来好消息,出版社已经找到合适的作者,重新修订这套经典巨著,其中第一卷即将问世,并且已经在Amazon上热卖。相信会有当世高人沿着Stevens的足迹给我们续写第三卷的,让我们拭目以待。
Platform: | Size: 329108 | Author: ericjjc | Hits:

[SourceCodelinux TCP UNIX domain

Description: 1、TCP UNIX 2、C/S Mode
Platform: | Size: 2240 | Author: arvin_fresh@sina.cn | Hits:


Description: 站长写的Unix和Windows下的socket通用函数,简单易用。带Unix下的小例子- Stationmaster writes under Unix and the Windows socket general function, simple is easy to use. Brings under Unix the small example
Platform: | Size: 8192 | Author: 站长 | Hits:


Description: unix下c语言实现tcp连接函数库-unix under tcp connections c language library
Platform: | Size: 1024 | Author: 史金刚 | Hits:


Description: 采用Fork方式的,TCP/IP的接收/发送程序。很经典-used Fork of the way, TCP/IP receive/transmit procedures. Classic
Platform: | Size: 2048 | Author: 阿晨 | Hits:


Description: sco unix下socket接收发送串函数-sco under socket receiving this string function
Platform: | Size: 1024 | Author: 隋平 | Hits:


Description: unix网络编程技术与分析一书的源码-technology and an analysis of the source
Platform: | Size: 66560 | Author: 周兆维 | Hits:


Description: 第三卷的内容细节覆盖了当今TCP/IP编程人员和网络管理员必须熟练掌握的四个基本方面: T/TCP (TCP事务协议),这是对TCP的扩展,使客户--服务器间的事务传输更快更有效和更可靠; HTTP (超文本传送协议),这是飞速扩展中的万维网的基础; NNTP (网络新闻传送协议),这是Usennet新闻系统的基础; UNIX域协议,这是在UNIX实现中应用非常广泛的一套协议。-third volume of the details of today's coverage of TCP/IP programmers and network administrators must be familiar to the four basic areas : T/TCP (TCP services agreements), which is the expansion of TCP, enabling customers-- server affairs transmission faster and more efficient and more reliable; HTTP (hypertext transfer protocol), which is the rapid expansion of the World Wide Web; NNTP (Network News Transfer Protocol), which is Usennet the basis of information systems; UNIX domain agreement, which is the realization of UNIX application of a very broad agreement.
Platform: | Size: 8558592 | Author: 胡学锋 | Hits:


Description: Unix/Linux下服务端/客户通过TCP/IP通讯的程序-Unix/Linux server/client through the TCP/IP communications procedures
Platform: | Size: 77824 | Author: Scott | Hits:


Description: unix网络编程daytimetcpcli-daytimetcpcli
Platform: | Size: 1024 | Author: 王一 | Hits:


Description: 用C实现的TCP/IP socket连接/读/写操作。采用了select方法来设置socket超时。此示例在Windows/unix系统下编译运行通过。-C realization of TCP/IP socket connections/read/write operation. Select the method used to set the socket overtime. This example in the Windows/Unix systems running through the compiler.
Platform: | Size: 2048 | Author: 潘振瑶 | Hits:


Description: TCP/IP编程实现远程文件传输,包括服务器端和客户端程序,在Sco Unix System v3.2及Sco TCP/IP Rumtime环境下调试通过。-TCP/IP programming remote file transfer, including the server and client programs, in Sco Unix System v3.2 and sco TCP/IP Rumtime through debugging environment.
Platform: | Size: 2048 | Author: 潘振瑶 | Hits:


Description: 本书是“TCP/IP详解系列”的延续。主要内容包括:TCP事务协议,即T/TCP,这是对TCP的扩展,使客户-服务器事务更快、更高效和更可靠;TCP/IP应用,主要是HTTP和NNTP;UNIX域协议,这些协议提供了进程之间通信的一种手段。当客户与服务器进程在同一台主机上时,UNIX域协议通常要比TCP/IP快一倍。本书同样采用了大量的实例和实现细节,并参考引用了卷2中的大量源程序。-the book is "TCP/IP Elaborates on Series" in 1996. The main contents include : TCP services agreement, T/TCP, and this is the TCP so that the client-server services faster, more efficient and more reliable; TCP/IP applications, primarily HTTP and NNTP; UNIX domain agreements, which provide the communication process between a these means. When the client and the server process on the same mainframe, UNIX domain agreement usually than TCP/IP twice as fast. The book also has a large number of examples and achieve details, quoting reference volumes of two large source.
Platform: | Size: 9558016 | Author: 刘磊 | Hits:


Description: socket关于tcp协议 及ucp协议通信的例子程序-tcp socket on the agreement after agreement and communication procedures for example
Platform: | Size: 2048 | Author: 魏小 | Hits:


Description: sockets API封装类,可以在UNIX和WIN32平台下工作。提供SSL、IPv6、TCP/UDP sockets、 TCP加密、HTTP协议、高度可定制的错误处理。-sockets API Packaging category, in UNIX and work under Win32 platform. SSL, IPv6, TCP/UDP sockets, TCP encryption, HTTP protocol, highly customizable error handling.
Platform: | Size: 202752 | Author: 贾志远 | Hits:


Description: 从Socket4c++中继承的TCP类,可以直接调用来实现网络功能-Socket4c inherited from the TCP category, called directly to the network function
Platform: | Size: 2048 | Author: 黄量 | Hits:

[TCP/IP stacktcp-ip详解卷3

Description: 第三卷的内容细节覆盖了当今TCP/IP编程人员和网络管理员必须熟练掌握的四个基本方面: T/TCP (TCP事务协议),这是对TCP的扩展,使客户--服务器间的事务传输更快更有效和更可靠; HTTP (超文本传送协议),这是飞速扩展中的万维网的基础; NNTP (网络新闻传送协议),这是Usennet新闻系统的基础; UNIX域协议,这是在UNIX实现中应用非常广泛的一套协议。 与前面两卷一样,本书有丰富的例子和实现的细节,他们都是4.4BSD-Lite中的网络代码。 -third volume of the details of today's coverage of TCP/IP programmers and network administrators must be familiar to the the four basic aspects : T/TCP (TCP services agreements), which is the expansion of TCP, customers-- server affairs transmission faster and more efficient and more reliable; HTTP (hypertext transfer protocol), This is the rapid expansion of the basis for the World Wide Web; NNTP (Network News Transfer Protocol), Usennet This is the basis of information systems; UNIX domain agreement, This is the realization of UNIX application of a very broad agreement. The previous two volumes, the book is rich in examples and achieve the details, They are 4.4BSD-Lite of networking code.
Platform: | Size: 8555520 | Author: 小易 | Hits:


Description: unix下的关于TCP/IP的应用程序代码.包括基于进程和线程的代码.-on the TCP/IP application code. Based on the process and including threaded code.
Platform: | Size: 63488 | Author: Newton81 | Hits:


Description: TCP/IP协议的使用 在redhat9下测试通过-TCP/IP protocol used in the test under redhat9
Platform: | Size: 25600 | Author: 李峰 | Hits:


Description: TCP-IP详解卷3:TCP事务协议,HTTP,NNTP和UNIX域协议-Detailed TCP-IP Volume 3: TCP Service Agreement, HTTP, NNTP and the UNIX-domain protocol
Platform: | Size: 8556544 | Author: wang lei | Hits:
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